Cairo Sealey

I received my first camera when I was 6 - a beautiful Kodak polaroid camera I was so excited by. I took photos of all the people and things I loved….and so it went on throughout my education and travel years. Having launched a career in marketing and advertising I realised that I missed having creativity in my life and a camera in my hand, so at 30 I retrained, then assisted and started shooting as soon as I had commissions.

I cut my photographic teeth on weddings which I would say are probably one of the most technically challenging of all photographic assignments as you never know what conditions you are going to have to deal with but the stakes are very high. I started to develop my reportage style there, and also found myself drawn to photographing the beautiful spontaneity of children. It didn’t take long before I left the weddings behind and I began to photograph portraits, children and events commercially, working regularly for various government organisations like Sure Start, 4Children, Make Space and the Association of London Government, as well as being commissioned for children’s fashion assignments such as Burgess and Boyd.

Lately I have started to work for clients developing websites or instagram coverage, offering an ‘all in’ package of one or multiple days to help them kick off their online presence with a host of brand-related images. I think my years in marketing and advertising really help me to understand the commercial need a client has to photographically represent their brand image accurately, getting the images right and hitting the consumer’s expectations and aspirations. Here’s an example of a website I supplied photographs for from beginning to end